Well, the K40-III 40W laser arrived! I bought it on ebay from a seller called ‘rumei-shopping’. $853 bucks later (+$53 for brokerage and taxes) and Fedex dropped it off this afternoon for me to play with.
The packaging that they did was fantastic. Well padded with 4+ inches of foam and bubble wrap around the entire thing.
It took a bit of cutting and pulling to finally get the laser out of the packing!
The X-Y table is looking good. Moves nice and smooth once I untied the ribbons.
40W laser tube looked good also. They pad it pretty well. Nice!
The control compartment is reasonably neat and tidy. Nothing loose or unconnected.
Ah, the Moshi MS10105 that I’ve heard horror stories of. Well… I suppose that the stories had been more about the crazy USB lockdown that they’ve done between the software and this board. The PCB itself looks pretty good. Not great alignment between this board and the USB connector hole though. 😉 And why the heck are they using a usb master plug? Don’t want to be losing that cable they provide I guess!
So, fired that baby up after filling up a bucket with water and ran a sample engrave using one of the drawings that they provide. Moshidraw looked to be pretty basic to use. Position the laser, set the speed, step-over, etc… and then hit go. Piece of cake. No obvious sign of how to turn it into cut mode. I’ll have to dig through their manual I guess.
I took a video of that first run and jammed it on Youtube. Looks like I need to get my hands on some laser transparencies now so I can start cutting PCB stencils!
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