Cancellation of CNRG hits the news

Wow, this was a bit unexpected. I was pinged by Ashley Burke from the CBC about a piece on the cancellation of the Canadian National Robot Games (CNRG) on Thursday last week. Early Friday I did a quick interview with her for the radio and they also had a phone interview with Steve Jones, the president of the CNRG games. That piece ran early Saturday morning on CBC Radio (of which only the sound bites from Steve made it through I think).

To add to the fun, we (2 of the kids and me) also got to do a live interview just before 6pm on Friday with Alan Neal on All In A Day. Very cool… I’m a big CBC fan and I listen to Alan every day. The kids were excited but a little intimidated when I slipped up and let them know that lots of people might be listening. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The MP3 of that interview can be listened to here :

Early Saturday the interview with me ended up on the CBC website here :

The various comments on the CBC page are good for a chuckle. That story was retweeted and picked up by a couple other places, including :

The post by Travis Boisvenue on OpenFile has an awesome pic. And I love the comment on Ryan Oakley on about kids and broccoli. And the pic by saddamoil is amazing. Perfect for the games being cancelled.

Managed to make it to Reddit also. Not exactly front page material though. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyways, that made for a fun weekend. The good news is that we’ll be running the Eastern Canadian Robot Games (ECRG) here in Ottawa on May 12th, 2012 to fill the gap. Details to follow.

In other news, the fam and I hit 100 consecutive days of geocaching this saturday (Nov 12th). Not sure if we can keep it up for another 265 days to make it a full year or not. Got my fingers crossed.

See everyone at the O.R.E. meeting on November 14th!

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